Art Parking Lot


Submission for Zine on Matter


London, England


February 2022


Nikon D800, 28mm, 70-200mm


Catharsis Print

What Does it Matter?

Consumed by the screen and social media, we spend hours each day browsing - without purpose or goal. It doesn’t matter where you are, you will always find a good proportion of the people around you with a phone in their hand. Some are listening to music, others are on a call, and a lot of them are just scrolling through their news feed on Instagram and Facebook in the hope of a bit of cheap entertainment between all the advertisements. But in the end, we must ask ourselves, does it make a difference to our life? And more importantly, is the difference a positive one or does it turn us into the shell of a human? London, 2022

The Beginning of the Untamed Underground Network Waiting, Part I Waiting, Part II